目前分類:2006 日本之旅 (24)

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第一天 06/10﹕亞庇-東京 [新宿﹐池袋]

第二天 07/10﹕東京 [築地市場﹐上野﹐淺草﹐秋葉原]

第三天 08/10﹕東京 [原宿﹐涉谷﹐銀座﹐六本木]

第四天 09/10﹕東京-箱根 [溫泉﹐小王子博物館等]

第五天 10/10﹕箱根-東京 [搭都電荒川線, 買巴士面包]

第六天 11/10﹕東京 [迪斯尼海洋公園]

第七天 12/10﹕東京-名古屋 [伏見,榮,車站周邊]

第八天 13/10﹕名古屋-京都 [清水寺﹐祇園﹐河原町]

第九天 14/10﹕京都-大阪 [心齊橋﹐道頓堀]

第十天 15/10﹕大阪-神戶-大阪 [三之宮﹐港區(神戶)][大阪城﹐折扣商場]

第十一天 16/10﹕大阪 [大阪彎﹐環球片場]

第十二天 17/10﹕大阪-亞庇


我 = 鍾媽媽 發表在 痞客邦 留言(4) 人氣()

14 September 2006, Thursday (Rainy)

After an one month research from internet and books, our first draft itinerary for the Japan trip is finally completed.

We will be going for a total of 12 days, visiting Tokyo, Hakone, Nagoya, Kyoto and Osaka.  Will spend 6  days in Tokyo, 2 days at Hakone (Famous Hot Spring area next to Mt Fuji), 3 days at Nagoya, 1 day in Kyoto and last 3 days at Osaka.

Must visit will be DisneySea, Universal Studio Osaka, Asasuka, Ginza, Harajuka, Shibuya, Shinjuku.........

Am so excited at this moment, however.... a little bit of worry also, not sure whether I can really make this trip a really unforgettable and full of joy. Never been to a country which I can't speak their language and travelling by free and easy.

Hope all the research that I did will really help me......... .

To be continue........................




我 = 鍾媽媽 發表在 痞客邦 留言(3) 人氣()

8 September 2006, Friday (Sunny cum Rainy day)

Yahoo!! Yahoo!! Yahoo!! Our Japan Visitor Visa are finally approved and issued to out passport.

That meant my 2006 Japan Trip is confirmed!!!! Yeah yeahyeah, YeahYeah!!! I'm going to Japan!!!!

Now is the time to plan our schedule for the whole trip, will keep a diary for the whole trip, and promise will let everyone share our joy and happiness for this trip.


To be continue.......................



我 = 鍾媽媽 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()

01/09/2006 (Friday, Rainy day)

Finally we have decided the destination for our 2006 Family Trip, is JAPAN.  A country I'm been wanted to go since 1999, at last..... after 7 years, my dream come true.  I am going to Tokyo, oh not only that, am also going to Nagoya, Kyoto and Osaka.  I am so excited.   

At first we were planning to go Hong Kong on December, cos wanted to let QingQing see their X'mas light decoration, but after a detail calculation the cost incur is about 2/3  for the cost of Japan Trip.  So Japan is deal. YAHOO!!!!!

Was so busy surfing on net for the hotel reservation.  Because we need the hotel confirmation slip to apply for the Japan Visitor's Visa.  As we are going to 4 places, Searching of the hotel was really headache.  All hotel reservation has confirm yesterday.  And now is time to prepare for the visa application.

Hope the application will be approve by the Japan Consulate loh.

TO BE CONTINUE..................



我 = 鍾媽媽 發表在 痞客邦 留言(7) 人氣()
