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星期日, 17/12/2006, 晴


有個晚上躺在晴兒的旁邊, 靜靜的在看她那可愛而安靜的睡相, 眼淚突然掉下, 覺得女儿啊, 為什么妳會有個不稱職的媽咪呢?


總是覺得自己不是個稱職媽咪…… 只是沒耐性, 坏脾氣兩樣証据, 就已足夠讓我罪名成立了.


最沒耐性的一次應該是在今年年頭吧!  記得當時的我不知為了什么心情很糟, 當晚晴兒的爸不在家, 是我帶她睡覺的.  晴兒又扭計”, 不肯睡, 要我抱她在房里, “行來行去”, 抱了半個小時, 情形也沒改變, 一氣之下就把晴兒往床上丟!  過后我看到一文章說不能搖動嬰孩頭部, 因為在新加坡有一個嬰孩被仆人搖動頭部導致死亡, 原因是動到了腦部.  看了嚇我一跳, 把晴兒丟到床上, 就有搖動她的頭啊, 從那天起,  我就沒再把晴兒往床上丟.


還有一次是從媽媽家回的時候, 因為工人放假, 就把晴兒放坐在passenger sit, 再給她打seat belt.  為了讓她好好的坐著, 就給了她餅干吃.  那知才出門口, 晴兒就開始吵要’tut tut’和她的手帕(這兩件物品一定要一起的), 但是我只有’tut tut’在車上, 就和晴兒說先拿’tut tut’, 可是小小晴兒就是吵著要手帕, 還要從seat belt爬起來, 我一時心急(我駕著車), 就向晴兒大聲的喊了一聲………. 晴兒頓時嚇了一跳, 眼睛一瞪, 嘴巴一扁, “…… ……” 就哭了起來了 .  聽到晴兒的哭聲, 我才清醒過來, 赶緊安撫她, 再倒頭回媽媽家拿手帕, 才可平安回家!


只是這兩次就已完完全全把我的沒耐性, 坏脾氣show了出來……… 我現在已儘量在好好控制我的情緒了.  可能是我已開始面對問題了, 情形真的有點改善了, 每次在我要發脾氣時, 都會先停一下…….. 脾氣真的會消的哦!





我 = 鍾媽媽 發表在 痞客邦 留言(5) 人氣()

星期三, 05/12/2006, 雨

是不是每個父母都要面對這樣的問題呢?  是不是每個作爺爺, 奶奶, 公公, 婆, 婆的都會對自己的孫兒們有求必應呢?

其實也不是什么大問題的, 但是也不算是小問題唷!  最近我encounter一個問題, 發現晴兒的奶奶好順從她哦, 基本上就是她要什么, 就給什么, 她想怎樣, 就怎樣.  雖然有時也會講晴兒一兩聲的...........   我明白晴兒奶奶也只是疼愛孫女啦, 還有可能她很少時間和晴兒一起吧, 所以她就會更遷就她了!

自己女兒有很多人疼愛當然是好事啦! 但是被過份疼愛就不好了!  我比較反對的就是買太多不必要的東西給她.......... 和給她吃太多的零食了!

有時我會單刀直入的說他們的, 但是總不能每次都講的嘛! 就只好在老公耳朵旁嘮叨一下下了, 和自己好好的教育女兒了!


我 = 鍾媽媽 發表在 痞客邦 留言(8) 人氣()

星期三, 16/11/2006, 雨

在決定去日本時, 就和媽咪說 : "日本很貴哦! 只可以去一次啊! 所以看到妳要的東西就要買啊!" 講得鐵一般的堅定!

事實通常都是和想像不一樣的.........到過日本后, 原來日本並不是想像中那么貴的.  

也就是說, 如果在臨行前好好的算算, 做好RESEARCH, 其實到日本的費用和到香港差不多的呢!

沒到過日本前, 香港一直都是我的至愛, 看過我的BLOG的朋友也知道我有"一年要去一次香港"的MISSION.

但是我現在可能要更改MISSION了, 我現在超愛東京和京都啊! 但是一年里又到香港, 再去日本的話........ 好像太奓侈了吧!

搞的我現在很煩惱啦! 該捨香港, 取東京? 還是保留香港, 忘了東京? 還是享盡齊人之福, 兩個都要呢?


我 = 鍾媽媽 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()

星期六, 11/11/2006, 雨

今天剛從KL, TRAINING 回來, 好累唷!  因為在那三天兩夜的AWANA GENTING里, 被那個變態TRAINER虐待的剩下半條人命.....

但是在詳談TRAINING之前, 我要和大家講另一件事先, 就是 "妳是崇正的是?"

星期二那天, 我搭四點飛機去KL, 下機后, 就和表姊到STAR HILL吃BUFFET......

吃BUFFET當然要到處跑跑, 看看有什么好吃的啦! 當我正在很專心在看有什么好食物時.................................  一轉身, 突然有個男人站在我的面前, 指我說 : "妳是崇正的是?".

啊? WHAT IS THIS? "妳是崇正的是?" 還是一直在說 : "妳是崇正的是?". 我被他的舉動嚇的一使不知要如何反應他, 結果我就........  扮不懂他在說什么啦!

其實, 不是我不要認是崇正的, 而是那人太那個了..... !  如果他問我 : "HELLO, 不好意思, 妳好面熟, 妳是崇正的嗎?" 我一定會說:"是!"

這也就是說, KL也是很小的哦!

我 = 鍾媽媽 發表在 痞客邦 留言(3) 人氣()

26 July 2006

Wanted to post this Blog one week ago, but really too busy with my office's project and work.

Today finally got time to sit down and write down my recent happiness.  She called me MAMA lah!!!!  It sound so good and wonderful. At last, at last, after calling everyone in the house including her Kakak.

The feeling really good, is the same feeling with the time when I first look at her, after she was taken out from me.

Hahaha!! At last I am MAMA, MAMA, MAMA lah!!!!!


我 = 鍾媽媽 發表在 痞客邦 留言(4) 人氣()

28 June 2006 (Wednesday)

QingQing is 17 months old already, she know how to call 'Daddy', 'Nenek', 'Popo' and even know how to call 'Kakak', but she just don't want to call me 'mommy'.

I felt so down for the past few days, QingQing just don't want to call me, although she stick to me a lot more then to her daddy, and when we ask her where's mommy, she also know where am I, but just don't want to call me.

My aunt told me that, the one that she call first will have a bitter life then the one she call later.  Maybe QingQing want me to have a better life then I am the last one she want to call loh!, Hahaha! Just try to please myself.

Trying hard to let her call me, hope my next blog will be QingQing finally call me Mommy!!!



我 = 鍾媽媽 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()

11 April 2006

My mother left for Hong Kong today, that meant I will be taking care of QingQing by my own for the coming days until we go to Hong Kong on the 14/04/21006.  Of course I will be assisted by my maid lah!  But really tiring oh!!!

Never-mind lah! My mother got to on leave also mah!! HaHaHa!!! After all she has given me 10 days leave before she left for Hong Kong mah!!!

But taking care of QingQing alone is also a good time to build our relationship and keep fit loh!!!!

Will keep you guys update after we got back from Hong Kong ah!!!!





我 = 鍾媽媽 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()

7 April 2006

Arrived KL last nite and managed to do my last minute shopping at KLCC as we arrived KLCC at 0845 loh.

I am now at my training centre at Uni Asia General building, using their internet system for surfing loh.

Yahoo!!!! After this training session, I will be taking the KMT back to our Old Klang's house (hope I can find the station and will not miss the stop station loh).  Cause never go on a KMT in KL, but travel so freely at Hong Kong LRT loh!!!! HaHaHa (Si oi man)!!!!

After separated for 10 days, I missed QingQing so much, going to see her tonite, wah!!!! So excited loh!!! Like what the chinese said : "Separated for a short period, will be better and happier for new marriage", and this also apply for mother and daughter oh!

Oh! training starting soon, so got to go loh........

我 = 鍾媽媽 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

2nd April 2006

Today is a Sunday, normally is a busy for u. because we will be taking care of QingQing by our own, bring her "guyguy" and play with her.

But today only two of us (daddy and mummy), because QingQing went to K.L. with Grandma (my mother) on last Tuesday for two weeks. HaHa, right TWO WEEKS!!

I will going over on this coming Thursday for training and at the same time to bring her back.  Really missed her when she is not around, but when she's around sometime really felt tired and lazy especially when she is so energetic.

Will at least I really made good use of this few free day, went for all my body treatment, facial, mani and pedicure and off course my spa!!!!!! 

Although is really relax when QingQing is not around, but I still looking forward to meet her in KL, I think I going to bring her to Ikea, my favorite shopping place.


我 = 鍾媽媽 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()

11th March 2006, Saturday

Today I wake up at 0550, cause I need to catch the 0700 flight to Sandakan to attend one of my close friend's funeral.  She is Stella, my workmate that suffered from cancer.  She passed away on 8/3/2006 in the evening at KL, her brother's house peacefully.

Seven of us from KK flow to Sandakan this morning.  After we reached Sandakan, we went for breakfast before we go to church.  We arrived the church at 0900, the service start at 0930, when we arrive, she arrived too.  My heart felt so heavy when I saw her casket.  I didn't look at her before the service cause I still not prepare for it.  However, I able to control my emotional during the service and even the last respect as I want to keep the best memory of her in my heart.

After the service, we went for the lunch that prepared by her sister, and during the lunch I knew that she passed away peacefully and without pain.  God Blessed Her.

I fly home at 1725, reached KK at 1800, today is really a tired and unforgettable day.

我 = 鍾媽媽 發表在 痞客邦 留言(4) 人氣()

6th March 2006, Monday

Oh Ya!!! QingQing got back on this day.  I was on leave for one day just to be able to meet my little one at the airport when she arrive from Sandakan.  I went for my facial and wash my hair in the morning, make sure I am in a good condition to see my girl, HAHAHA !

Then I pick her and my mother up at 3pm, wah! is really great and happy to see her, and I was so nervous while waiting for her to come out.  Luckily she still remember and want to to carry her....... Mmmmmmmm!!! She gained weight a bit and is taller. At last my little one is back home!!! Missed her so much!


我 = 鍾媽媽 發表在 痞客邦 留言(3) 人氣()

QingQing suppose to come back tomorrow according to the schedule, but mum called up today, said they extended their trip and will only be coming back on 6/3/2006 (Monday).

Wah!!!! Additional holiday for me, but...............  I do miss my little one lah!!!!

During this few days holiday, I did my facial, a full set of pedicure and medicure and also the most important treatment at the slimming center loh.


我 = 鍾媽媽 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()

Monday, 27th February 2006


QingQing followed her grandma (my mother) to Tawau for a 5D4N trip, they are attending my uncle 70th Birthday dinner.

After the arrival of QingQing, apart from my last year's Single Hong Kong trip and a business trip on January, this the 3rd time we are apart.

However, this is the first time that QingQing is away, left her father and me at home. That mean is time we catch up with a movie and a romantic dinner loh! HAHAHA!!

Oh, by the way, we tried the Atmopshere Restaurant, Yayasan Sabah just now. Emmmm...... environment was ok, but the turning was a bit rough, made my dizzy loh.  The food was ok, but a little bit expensive lah.  However, worth a try lah!!!! 

我 = 鍾媽媽 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()