
Sunday, 20/05/2007, Sunny

This few days Qing tend to use "I Don't Know" very often.I don't know - New!

Whenever, whatever I ask her a question, she will answer me 'I don't know, mummy'.angry

For example, this afternoon we went to Japan Home Centre again, I was carrying her walking around..... then I saw this some kind like a hanger for cloth, so I ask Qing 'what is this?' (trying to be Qing, as she always like to ask me 'what is this, what is this?').  Without thinking, Qing answer me directly 'I DON'T KNOW, MUMMY'

Oh....... I never think of answering her 'I don't know' whenever she asked me 'what is this?', but now she is answering me 'I don't know'!!!!!!! surprise

Is Qing smarter then me or I am more complicated????? thinking

Second example, just now my sister-in-law came for dinner, as usual after will stay for a while to play with Qing.  Sister-in-law asked Qing to get her the one of Qing's toy, Qing keep telling her aunt that 'I don't know where, I don't know where'.  Ended up Qing handed my sister-in-law her DONALD DUCK TOY!!! d'oh

I DON'T KNOW = DONALD DUCK!!!! hypnotized

I noticed that Qing is very lazy to look for anything that she want, she will always said 'Mummy, I don't know, I don't know where, mummy find!!!'

Aiiiii, what should I do about this?????? frustrated


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