星期四, 05/04/2012, 雨
在2012年,鍾憶開始了她人生中的首兩個課外課程,分別是Kumon和Speech& Drama, 兩個課外課程都是因為姐姐的關係才報名的,就來看看鍾憶這兩個課外課程三個月來的進度吧。
Speech & Drama
Jennifer has received her report card on Speech & Drama last week, let see what did her Teacher May say about her.
Month: January, Title: The Little Red Hen
Welcome Jennifer! You are such charming and sweet little girl. Not too bad as the beginner of the class. She blends in well with others. Always the first person to hand me back the work assigned. Really proud to have Jennifer in class.
Month: February, Title: Goldilocks & The Three Bears
Beginning to speak more loudly and clearly in class. I can see Jennifer is much more actively engaged with the class activities rather than becoming the observer. Enjoyed being the "Baby Bear" in the play. She knows her text quite well. Amazing, Jennifer.
Monthe: March, Title: The Three Billy Goats Gruff.
Jennifer's self-confidence level gradually growing. She is working well as in the group activity. This time, I need more persuations in getting her to be the 'Middle-sized Billy Goat'. She amazed me at the end of the show by her great dynamic performance. Well done, Jennifer.
Am really glad that Jennifer is enjoying her Speech & Drama class as much as her sister, hope she will continue to love this activity.