
星期二,06/12/2011, 晴





3) 鍾憶還是一樣野蠻,比姐姐惡很多,也比姐姐硬頸和難教,希望明年會有進步,我們可以更好溝通。


鍾憶的年終檢討共有六項,包括Personal, Social & Emotional Development, Communication, Language & Literacy, Mathenatical Development, Knowledge & Understanding of the World, Physical Development 和Creative Development.

鍾憶在前半年只完成了Physical Development,項目包括Travel around, under and through balancing and climbing equipment; show awareness of space, themselves and others & Use of range of large equipment.

Knowledge & Understanding of the World; 鍾憶在前半年完成了Talk about their own environment, 後半年就完成了Investigate objects/materials by using all of their senses as apprpriate.

Mathematical Development; 前半年完成三項,Match colours, Name colours & say and use number names in order in familiar contexts, 後半年就完成了Sort into type (colour / shape etc).

Communication, Language & Literacy; 五項裡面,鍾憶在前半年完成了三項,Left/right handed, Show awareness of the listener by their use of conventions such as 'please' and 'thank you' 和 Listen with enjoyment and respond to stories, songs, rhymes and poems.  後半年只完成多一項,就是respond to what they've heard by relevant comments, questions and actions. 只欠Extent their vocabulary exploring the meanings of sounds and new words.

Personal,Social and Emotional Development裡有六項,前半年把五項完成,Be confident to try new activities, Form good relationships with adults, Form good relationships with peers, Take turns and share fairly & Manage own personal hygiene. 最後把have a developing awareness of own needs, views and feelings完成。


Semester 1:Jennifer can identify her name and the words mummy, daddy, baby, hair and ear. She knows the first group of Jolly Phonics sounds by looking at the wall preeze.

Semester 2: Jennifer is a serious, responsible leader.  She is very independent and smart for her age.  She communicates well with her friends and very often helps the teacher.  Jennifer is able to identify the first five groups of Jolly Phonics, we hope to get her to read decodable books by next year.

鍾憶很喜歡上學,那天帶鍾晴買小學校服,她吵著要買,她說要穿校服上學,結果回到家就拿姐姐的幼稚園校服來穿, 哈哈哈。。。。其實明年鍾憶學校開始有校服了,好期待她明年穿校服上學的樣子哦。


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    我 = 鍾媽媽

    晴 森 憶 鍾 (情深意重)

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