
星期四, 01/12/2011, 晴 + 雨

報告(上)講到鍾晴的Speech & Drama考試後,報告(下)就是她的年終成績來。先來看看這年裡鍾晴老師給她的評語。。。。

January Comments

·         Express herself very well, speech clear and articulate.

·         Able to be part of student’s performance.

·         Shows good audience skills, eg. Listening and being apprentice.

·         Improve much on performing on her own.

February Comments

·          Very good in identifying colours.

·          Connect yellow to things in class and home well.

·          Memorise very fast from the song of blue boats.

March Comments

·          Great to see her again, she is a good kid in the class.

·          She is an example in her class, she participated.

·          She showed a lot of confidence and ease in her speech.

April Comments

·          She spoke well of a picture she put together.  Though lacking focus today.

May Comments

·          It is amazing to see how she knows about Disney.  It was great to see her doing some impressions of the Disney characters.

July Comments

·          Danielle has always been very articulative and she shines in the class.

August Comments

·          Danielle has the great potential to be a Star! 

·          Great vocal and articulates well, she takes on the leadership in the group.

September Comments

·          She remembers well and is a good reminder ever to me (sometimes) of the things we have done.  She is very ready for the older age class.

看來老師給她的評語後,希望鍾晴會更享受她明年的Speech & Drama課程。

去年鍾晴的成績是Oustanding Performance Certificate,同時得到了Outstanding Performer for the Class獎杯。

今年鍾晴的組別也是有兩個Outstanding Performance Award,鍾晴有幸是其中的一個。


而今年的Outstanding Performer就有三個,校方解釋說這三個獎杯是用拿整年的總平均來選的。很幸運,我們家的鍾晴竟然得第一名,記得當天頒獎時,鍾晴一直回頭來對我說她沒有獎杯了,沒想到她竟然得第一名,她自己也很驚喜哦。


鍾晴是今年的Speech & Drama Champion.

明年除了鍾晴還會繼續她的Speech & Drama課程外,鍾憶也會開始她的Speech & Drama課程。

鍾晴將會進級到7 - 9歲的班級,指導老師也會換人了。可惜鍾憶沒緣跟鍾晴今年的指導老師,因為他只在星期一和三開班而已。

希望她們會更喜歡Speech & Drama的課程咯。


希望2012年的到來,鍾晴和鍾憶會好好享受她們的Speech & Drama課程了。

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    我 = 鍾媽媽

    晴 森 憶 鍾 (情深意重)

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