
Monday, 21/12/2009, Night

This is the slideshow by Venture, hope the uploading is ok for viewing

Please share my happiness with me

And here are the big photo frames from Venture, I will try to take more clearer photos tomorrow

This is the family photo that I hanged in the living room.

Actually is on top of the televisyen set; so in the middle of the living room.

This is the Ice 16 set, will take the individual photo during this weekend and post it up later.

Please try to click on the attachement and see whether you can watch or not, please let me know if you still cannot view the slideshow.


Attachment: Slideshow[1].exe
    創作者 我 = 鍾媽媽 的頭像
    我 = 鍾媽媽

    晴 森 憶 鍾 (情深意重)

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