
Sunday, 12/07/2009, Sunny

Remembering me blogging about three of use sleeping on one king size bed...

Today we finally completed this important and difficult mission------> re-arrange our room!!!!!

Let see the BEFORE of our room layout:-

The is the before corner of mommy & Daddy;

packed with 1 king size bed + 1 super single bed + Jen's Clothing cabinet.

The is girls' corner before arrangement;

With 2 chest of drawer + my computer table + the TV set cabinet + my lovely Single Seated Sofa.

Let see what we did for the re-arrangement........

The is the girls' corner after arrangement;

Packed with 2 super single beds for each of them + 1 chest of drawer + Jen's clothing cabinet.

Here is a close-up of the girls' corner, both their beds has the safety gate.

And this is the mommy & daddy's corner;

which left only the king size bed + my computer + a side table for my printer.

Looks cosy now, right

Tonight is the first night my girls sleep without me at their side, although I accompany them till they fall asleep, hope they sleep well tonight and the many many nights to come.

Sleep tight, girls and mommy love you

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    我 = 鍾媽媽

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