Today after breakfast we brought the girls to the Lokkawi Wildlife Zoo for a walk.

Little Jennifer was so excited that she don't want to sit in her pram at all, and she was walking so happily today.

When I looks at Jennifer's photos, she just like those stars when paparazi trying to caught them in action, and when she noticed me taking her photos, she looks so cool looking at the camera, hahahah..... future star in town.

Glad that the girls enjoyed the day.

我 = 鍾媽媽 發表在 痞客邦 留言(15) 人氣()

Today we went to my brother for Raya makan makan. G10 took some photos @ his place.

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Today is HarI Raya 1st Day, daddy brought us and G10 to Beaufort to attend his friend's Raya Open House, these are the photos that G10 took during the drive.

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Jennifer looks sooooo cute in her Elmo, so I took some photos.

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星期日,13/09/2009, 晴












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I took this batch of photo @ City Mall last weekend.

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