星期六,23、06、2007, 晴
還有一件事是我畢生難忘的,就是老爸罵我,說我很傲慢,當時他是用英文罵我的(老爸是KADAZAN人,平時他是用客語和我們談話的,但時當他罵人的時候就一定會用英文,較流利嘛) 當時我們是在車上的,他對我說 :'Sam, you must change your attitude, you are too arrogance, or else you will ended up nothing compare to all your cousins.'
也就因為他這一段話,我開始主意我自己的脾氣 (雖然還是挺難頂的,但是怎樣都比以前好的多)因為我不要成為 the one that ended up nothing compare to all my cousins.  Maybe I am not the best amongst all of us and at least I got somethings instead of nothing (I am one of them that hold a University degree qualification oh )


我 = 鍾媽媽 發表在 痞客邦 留言(18) 人氣()

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Monday, 11/6/2007, Sunny
It has been a long time I completed a 1000 pieces puzzle.  If I'm not wrong should be before I have Qing.
I bought this box of puzzle on my May trip to Kuala Lumpur, they said on the box is the smallest puzzle in the world, and the price was acceptable to me, so I got it for myself.
Sorry, tried to make the photo in the correct position, just can't do it.

This is the comparison between a normal size puzzle and the smallest puzzle in the world.

This is what I did after 4 hours of sitting in-front of the dinning table yesterday.

When I get back from work, I start the puzzling again after the bath Qing and myself, stop for 45 minute for dinner and completed the puzzle on 10pm.

I used around 7.5 hours to complete this 1000 pieces world's smallest puzzle.

This is the finish look of the world's smallest puzzle for 1000 pieces.

我 = 鍾媽媽 發表在 痞客邦 留言(9) 人氣()

Friday, 08/06/2007, Sunny

Qing Po Po brought Qing to Babagon, Penampang to buy pineapple today.

When they are in the car on the way to Babagon, a little joke happened, these are the conversation between Qing and her 'Tai Yi Po' (my mum's sister) :-

Qing : Tai Yi Po, where are we going?

Tai Yi Po: We are going to Babagon.

Qing: Babagon?

Tai Yi Po: Yes, Qing. We are going to Babagon.

Qing: We go to Babagon to look for Daddy? Then where is Mamagon, I want to look for Mummy too!

When my aunt told me this story, I laughed until my tear drop!

Later, after they bought the pineapple, Qing continue her conversation with her Tai Yi Po :-

Qing: Tai Yi Po, are we going to Mamagon now?

Tai Yi Po: No, we are going home now.

Qing: No, I want to go to Mamagon, I want to look for Mummy!

Tai Yi Po: We go to QingQing-Gon, ok?

Qing: No, don't to go to QingQing-Gon, is mine!!!!

我 = 鍾媽媽 發表在 痞客邦 留言(10) 人氣()

星期二, 05、06、2007, 雨

昨晚放工后又有新FUND的BRIEFING, 一搞就搞到整七點。因為已經早安排AUNT給晴兒洗澡和吃飯,我就決定放縱自己,奢侈一下,享受了一個小時的個人時間。

當我一個人坐在WAWASAN PLAZA的KFC, 吃著那美味的HOT § SPIOCY時, 突然覺得作了媽媽后,一個人的時間變成了奢侈品, 而不再是理所當然的了!!! 



去年就算是晴兒在婆婆家過夜時,我都一定會過去看她,但自日本回來后, 每次我要回家時,她都要吵著一起回, 所以我們決定要就不去看她, 不然就是待她睡了我們才回家。

現在我還是會過媽媽家看晴兒, 除非是約了晴爸看戲,還是到MARIE FRANCE作TREATMENT,或是和同事聚餐啦, 不然一定會到。

作了媽媽才知道原來我們的奢侈品不是名牌包包還是首飾, 而是個人時間!

我 = 鍾媽媽 發表在 痞客邦 留言(7) 人氣()

星期二, 05、06、2007, 雨

晴兒有個壞習慣, 就是當她要尿尿時,不喜歡和我們講, 特別是在她玩的入神時, 如果我們沒帶她上廁所,就會尿褲褲。。。。。

剛才晴兒對我說 :'媽咪, 我尿尿了'

我摸摸她褲子, 真的濕了!!!哎呀!! 為什麼沒和媽咪說啊!!!!


結果。。。晴兒帶我到她的POTTY,告訴我說 :'媽咪, I 尿尿here!!!'

OMG!!!!!  晴兒竟然穿著褲褲尿到她的POTTY!!!

又有一件大任務要完全了, 得再給晴兒一個INTENSIVE POTTY TRAINING了!!!!

我 = 鍾媽媽 發表在 痞客邦 留言(5) 人氣()

She walked across the line and still can't get the ball into the hole, hahaha

There is the Safari Adventures in KLCC when we were there, so we let Qing try out all the six games in the adventures.

Little Qing managed to win complete 3 games (with Qing Ma help a bit) and she enjoyed it a lot.

我 = 鍾媽媽 發表在 痞客邦 留言(13) 人氣()

These are the sweetest moment that I captured during our holiday in KL :)

我 = 鍾媽媽 發表在 痞客邦 留言(12) 人氣()

We went there twice on last KL trip, but just can't make the ride for Qing, so I make sure she got the ride this time.

These are the action by Qing during our KL Holiday......

She know how to pose now when I take photo for her, our girl is growing......

我 = 鍾媽媽 發表在 痞客邦 留言(10) 人氣()

It was a co-incident that Uncle Philip also at KL on that day we arrived KL, so we met up with cousin Jones, Ling & Phonsa at Overseas Restaurant (but I forgot to take photo during the dinner) here are some of the photos I took during our dessert time - durian.

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