Thursday, 30/07/2009, Heavy Rain & Strong Wind
About 3 weeks after of the re-arrangement of our room, here are the updates.........
We have re-arrangement the beds of our princesses after the one month observation of their sleeping manner, hahaha!!!!!
Can you see the re-arrangement area..... is the safety gate and the bed header. We have move Jennifer's bed header out from the wall and put it as the end of her bed, and the safety gate have move to Danielle's bed.
Why we did that because Jennifer has fell down from the corner of Danielle's bed. Yes!!! She slept and move from her bed to her sister's bed and fall down!!!!! That why we blocked all the way down now!!!!
And you may see an arrow pointing at a pint bolster........ there where I sleep when there are heavy rain and thunderstorm!!!! There is the middle of two really made my back tired.
Actually the girls love their new private corner, and they are doing well with the sleeping alone now (except for the heavy rain and thunderstorm moment). But I will still wake up once to twice a night to check on them, see whether they are ok and their blankie is on them.
Seem that my girls is growing fast, sooner they will demand for their own rooms.......... time really fly.......... hope I can catch all their growing moment with happy, joy, tear, pain and anger, hahahahaaa!!!!