Wednesday, 25/04/2007, Rainy
Will be leaving fro KL tomorrow with Qing Qing, Qing Po Po and Qing Kakak for 7 days. That make me will be absent from Multiply for a week oh
Wanted to bring my laptop with me, but we are not staying in a hotel this time, and my aunt place don't have any internet connection
Qing Ba ask me to bring at least I can use it at the cafe oh. I did think about it....... that mean I got to carry my laptop, Qing's milk bag, my handbag without knowing whether I have the chance for a cup of coffee or not?????
After thinking and counting for 2 days my final decision is........ no laptop this trip!!!!!!
But...... to look for free online services when I am shopping around loh
To all my wouderful Multiplier gang, beautiful ladies..... take care and I'LL BE BACK!!!!!!!