星期一, 08/01/2006, 陰/雨

晴兒外婆在香港已差不多一個月了, 每次和她通電話, 給她報告晴兒的點點滴滴時, 她都會概嘆說又錯過了孫女成長的一部分了.

但是今天外婆好開心哦 , 因為晴兒弟一次在電話里叫她"婆婆"啊, 還大聲的喊著"HELLO, HELLO, 婆婆".  這還是晴兒弟一次件電話呢! (媽剛到香港時, 每次和她通電話時, 晴兒只會聽, 不會回答外婆, 而外婆為了想聽孫女的聲音就一直在叫她, 搞的我的電話單破了六百大關, roaming嘛).

晴兒好愛皺眉頭, 看起來就更"老水"了, 待我有機會把她的"老水"樣拍給大家看.  像昨晚我爬在凳子上, 找衣櫥上的東西時, 那小冬冬就皺著眉頭, 對著我說:"媽咪, be careful oh, after you fall down oh." 然後她就幫我扶凳子, 我下來后, 她就說:"Let Qing Qing carry." 就把凳子抬回原位放好了.

前晚我的肚子不舒服, 睡在床上'咿咿呀呀'的, 晴兒見了就問我說:"媽咪, are you alright?" 哇! 聽了后, 真得什么都好了!

其實小孩每天都在長大, 所以如果一天錯過了, 可能就沒機會再看到了. 所以真的要好好珍惜晴兒的小小動作哦!


我 = 鍾媽媽 發表在 痞客邦 留言(4) 人氣()

06/01/2007, 星期六, 晴


一直以来对于晴儿的顽皮和任性都还能容忍, 但是今天的晴儿太过分了。 会用哭来威胁大人已好了, 今天竞学会丢东西, 是我最不能接受的, 因为我是个发脾气丢东西的人, 我知道这是很不好的行为, 所以反应就特别大, 拿起藤条就打了下去。。。。

跟着叫晴儿拾起她丢到地上的玩具时, 因为不肯拾又被打了一下。

唉! 打了下去又不能被她知道我心痛, 特别是在打了她之后, 她对我说:“SORRY MOMMY”, 心就像破了似得, 只好在今晚换衣时才好好看晴儿的小腿了!


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06/01/2007, 星期六, 晴

踏入2007, 我也有了新形象了。。。。 就是公司有了制服给我们, 而我的现有的工作服全都pack好了, 还pack了三大袋啊!


 我的这套还不是全套的, 还有件外套的哦!

 这是我的同事, 我们是同个部门的, 怎样? 我们的制服还好吧!哈哈! 好娘吧!

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Just bought myself a new notebook, after transferring all photo into it, I found some of Qing classic photo to be share with everyone.

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星期二,2/1/2007, 雨


不知是不是每个人都会有遗憾呢?  如果心中有遗憾的话, 那是不是就会死不瞑目呢?其实讲到死不瞑目好像太夸张了吧!至少我的大部分梦想都实现了,只剩下一个挺大的遗憾。


我一直都好想到外国念大学, 过一个人的外国独立生活。  那知高中毕业時, 爸竟和我说没钱让我到KL念书, 我的離家出走的大計劃也泡湯了。


两年后,爸因病过世,和姨妈谈起爸,才知道当时他不让我去KL是因为他“老古板”,怕没了这独女,所以就不让我离开他到KL喽!在爸的立场来说, 他是爱我啦,但是在我的立场来讲,我觉得他太自私了,为了要我在他身边而把我的前途当了。


在爸过世后,妈拿了爸留给我们的一部分钱送了二哥到英国念大学三年级。  本来我也有机会一起去的,但是我当时学历只能让我念大学一年级,费用太大了,而当时刚好和晴爸拍拖,那会要去呐!


后来我在半工读和distance learning的情形下完成了我的学士学位,可是就是还差了那一点的外国生活经验,所以现在的我那么爱旅行,多多少少是在弥补心灵上的遗憾吧。

我 = 鍾媽媽 發表在 痞客邦 留言(14) 人氣()

星期二, 02/01/2007, 晴

昨晚晴爸心血來潮, 搞了個小小的BBQ, 叫了几個close friends and relatives來聚會.

我不會煮大魚大菜, 最拿手的就是派對沙拉.  有到過我家派對的朋友都有吃過我的沙拉了.  其實我的派對沙拉就是水果沙拉啦, 特別是在於拌醬而以.


苹果, 葡萄, 梨, 柑 - 切粒備用; 蛋 - Hard boiled, 然後只把蛋白切粒備用.



蛋黃醬 (Mayonnaise), 甜牛奶 (Condensed Milk), 壓碎蛋黃.


把所有拌醬材料拌均勻后, 再加入材料搞拌就行了.






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Monday, 01/01/2007, Sunny


Peace in our HEART;  Health in our BODY;

Wealth in our LIFE;  Joy in our HOME.

May our family, friends and relatives always be blessed with these priceless treasures!!!!!!



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Daddy always maintain a little hobby from time to time, like gardening lah (have dried up three pots, and just bought four new pots), rear fish lah (fish tank already given to friend loh). And now his latest hobby is Hard Landscape, design by Daddy and I, ok oh........ heeheehee!!!!!! :D

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Thursday, 28/12/2006, Rainy

Today I went for my breast ultrasound at Dr Kissey..........

After the ultrasound, Doctor found out that there is a 1cm small lump in my right breast ...... he said this lump called FIBROADENOMA.

Fibroadenoma of Breast

General Description Fibroadenomas are the most common benign tumors of the female breast.  They develop at any age but are more common in young women, often teenagers, and are mistaken for cancer.  They may be excised but frequently recur.


Nearly 90% of breast masses in women are the result of benign lesions and are usually fibroadenomas in women in their 20s or 30s.

Clinical Signs

- Palpable mass for young women, feels like small, slipper marbles


- Mammography density for older women


- Mass is more circumscribed and mobile than carcinoma



- Unknown cause; possibly due to increased fat consumption


- Composed of BOTH fibrous and glandular tissue


- More frequent occurrence in upper outer quadrant of breast


- Can grow as a spherical nodule to a size from <1cm to 10-15cms. 

- Fibroadenomas are hormonally responsive - increases in size may

  occur during late phases of the menstrual cycle


- Well-circumscribed by CT (can see presence of both basement

  membrane AND myoepithelial cells)


- Composed of 2 parts: 1) delicate cellular fibroblastic stroma

  resembling stroma of intralobular tissue

; 2) glandular/cystic

  spaces lined by epithelium and enclosed by stromal component


According to the Doctor, this is not a cancerous lump, and there are two choice for me.

1) Do an annually check up on the lump and monitor closely on it development; else

2) Can go for an operation (which is not recommend).

Soooooooo...... I think I will do an annually check up and monitor the lump at this moment, if there is a sign of growing big, then maybe I will consider an operation loh!


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These are the X'mas presents Qing Qing received for this year.

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