目前分類:鍾晴的事 (73)

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Took some of Qing photos before we go out for dinner.

This is how she posed.

我 = 鍾媽媽 發表在 痞客邦 留言(9) 人氣()

Friday, 08/06/2007, Sunny

Qing Po Po brought Qing to Babagon, Penampang to buy pineapple today.

When they are in the car on the way to Babagon, a little joke happened, these are the conversation between Qing and her 'Tai Yi Po' (my mum's sister) :-

Qing : Tai Yi Po, where are we going?

Tai Yi Po: We are going to Babagon.

Qing: Babagon?

Tai Yi Po: Yes, Qing. We are going to Babagon.

Qing: We go to Babagon to look for Daddy? Then where is Mamagon, I want to look for Mummy too!

When my aunt told me this story, I laughed until my tear drop!

Later, after they bought the pineapple, Qing continue her conversation with her Tai Yi Po :-

Qing: Tai Yi Po, are we going to Mamagon now?

Tai Yi Po: No, we are going home now.

Qing: No, I want to go to Mamagon, I want to look for Mummy!

Tai Yi Po: We go to QingQing-Gon, ok?

Qing: No, don't to go to QingQing-Gon, is mine!!!!

我 = 鍾媽媽 發表在 痞客邦 留言(10) 人氣()

星期二, 05、06、2007, 雨

晴兒有個壞習慣, 就是當她要尿尿時,不喜歡和我們講, 特別是在她玩的入神時, 如果我們沒帶她上廁所,就會尿褲褲。。。。。

剛才晴兒對我說 :'媽咪, 我尿尿了'

我摸摸她褲子, 真的濕了!!!哎呀!! 為什麼沒和媽咪說啊!!!!


結果。。。晴兒帶我到她的POTTY,告訴我說 :'媽咪, I 尿尿here!!!'

OMG!!!!!  晴兒竟然穿著褲褲尿到她的POTTY!!!

又有一件大任務要完全了, 得再給晴兒一個INTENSIVE POTTY TRAINING了!!!!

我 = 鍾媽媽 發表在 痞客邦 留言(5) 人氣()

She walked across the line and still can't get the ball into the hole, hahaha

There is the Safari Adventures in KLCC when we were there, so we let Qing try out all the six games in the adventures.

Little Qing managed to win complete 3 games (with Qing Ma help a bit) and she enjoyed it a lot.

我 = 鍾媽媽 發表在 痞客邦 留言(13) 人氣()

We went there twice on last KL trip, but just can't make the ride for Qing, so I make sure she got the ride this time.

These are the action by Qing during our KL Holiday......

She know how to pose now when I take photo for her, our girl is growing......

我 = 鍾媽媽 發表在 痞客邦 留言(10) 人氣()

We went to Asia City again today, wanted to let Qing do the colour sand poster again, but the counter was closed due to staff shortage..... :(

Then I remember there one shop I want to visit on second floor, but when we reach the shop.... 'eng!! eng!!' the shop closed again..... @_@|||

Qing wanted to go in the shop so much.... keep saying "I want to go, I want to go"...... ended up I took these photos for her outside the shop.

我 = 鍾媽媽 發表在 痞客邦 留言(5) 人氣()

姨媽在馬六甲買了這對'屐'給晴兒, 她今天穿著它到後院看晴爸剪草!!

我 = 鍾媽媽 發表在 痞客邦 留言(6) 人氣()

今年已是晴儿的第三个年头了, 让我们看看她的成长速度吧。

我 = 鍾媽媽 發表在 痞客邦 留言(12) 人氣()

Sunday, 20/05/2007, Sunny

This few days Qing tend to use "I Don't Know" very often.I don't know - New!

Whenever, whatever I ask her a question, she will answer me 'I don't know, mummy'.angry

For example, this afternoon we went to Japan Home Centre again, I was carrying her walking around..... then I saw this some kind like a hanger for cloth, so I ask Qing 'what is this?' (trying to be Qing, as she always like to ask me 'what is this, what is this?').  Without thinking, Qing answer me directly 'I DON'T KNOW, MUMMY'

Oh....... I never think of answering her 'I don't know' whenever she asked me 'what is this?', but now she is answering me 'I don't know'!!!!!!! surprise

Is Qing smarter then me or I am more complicated????? thinking

Second example, just now my sister-in-law came for dinner, as usual after will stay for a while to play with Qing.  Sister-in-law asked Qing to get her the one of Qing's toy, Qing keep telling her aunt that 'I don't know where, I don't know where'.  Ended up Qing handed my sister-in-law her DONALD DUCK TOY!!! d'oh

I DON'T KNOW = DONALD DUCK!!!! hypnotized

I noticed that Qing is very lazy to look for anything that she want, she will always said 'Mummy, I don't know, I don't know where, mummy find!!!'

Aiiiii, what should I do about this?????? frustrated

我 = 鍾媽媽 發表在 痞客邦 留言(26) 人氣()

Qing got an Open design mouth, we like to call the 'O' shape mouth. :P

Qing Ba always ask Qing to close her mouth, because she is a girl (^^).

I took down this photos this morning during our breakfast.....

Before - mouth open in 'O' shape naturally;

After - Qing Ba asked Qing to close her mouth :D

我 = 鍾媽媽 發表在 痞客邦 留言(12) 人氣()

We went for breakfast at Four Seasons, Asia City this morning.

After breakfast, we dediced to visit Japan Home Centre again (for photo taking).

On the way to Japan Home Centre, we pass by this shop which let children do their own colour sand poster :)

So Qing Ba said Qing whether she want to do one, little Qing picked as usual Mickey picture for the own first colour sand poster.

Here are the photo that I took during and after the colour sand poster is done.

我 = 鍾媽媽 發表在 痞客邦 留言(15) 人氣()

星期三, 16/05/2007, 雨

昨晚回到家時晴兒正在吃飯, 又吵著要吃 '該春' (雞蛋 in 客家), GRANDMA就給她煎了個雞蛋, 那知拿出來給她的時候, 大小姐竟然對著雞蛋說 :

'NO... NOT THIS ONE, POPO!!!! THIS IS EGG, NOT [該春]!!!!'

AH? THIS IS NOT 雞蛋??? THEN WHAT IS THIS???? surprise 搞的GRANDMA一頭霧水..... 原來晴兒的 '該春' 是我們的春卷啦!!!!


我 = 鍾媽媽 發表在 痞客邦 留言(11) 人氣()

Thrusday, 03/05/2007, Rainy

During our flight back to KK yesterday, Qing Qing keep asking me to buy the Air Asia watch for her, below is our conversation :-

Qing : 'Mommy, mommy, buy watch for Qing Qing eh.'

Mommy : 'Do you have any money?'

Qing : 'Yes, mommy.'

Mommy : 'Where is your money?'

Qing : 'Inside mommy's bag loh!!!'surprise

After I heard what she said, I just keep quiet to stop her from asking me for the watch again.

Half and hour later, Qing Qing asking for her watch again, conversation as below :-

Qing : 'Mommy, buy the watch for Qing Qing ehhhh'

Mommy : 'You got any Ringgit (my maid teached her to use Ringgit)'

Qing : 'No.....'

Mommy : 'Then no Ringgit how to buy?'

Qing : 'Mommy got Ringgit mah, mommy buy for Qing Qing mah!!!'nailbiting

Oh what should I do for her, she only 27 months old oh, already start calculating my money....... mmmmmhhhh should teach her to save more for future.worried

我 = 鍾媽媽 發表在 痞客邦 留言(20) 人氣()

Tuesday, 24/04/2007, Sunny



多手的晴儿看到爸爸的'奶奶'就忍不住要搞一搞'它'......  晴爸被女儿搞得没辄就干脆用被子把身子盖上,要晴儿别再搞他了angry

哪知晴爸的宝贝女儿竞一手拉开被子,指着接近她那边的'奶奶'对晴爸说 : 'Daddy, why only one oh? where is the other one oh, where the other one oh?' confused

晴爸望着晴儿用气无力的说 : 'Qing, daddy don't know oh.....'yawn

而在一旁的我就听后, 在没能控制下, 开口大笑直给晴爸骂...... laughing

我 = 鍾媽媽 發表在 痞客邦 留言(8) 人氣()

星期一, 16、4、2007

几个月前开始教晴儿讲她的中,英文名字,就是 钟晴DANIELLE CHUNG QING

自此后,我们不时会问晴儿 'WHAT'S YOUR NAME?'

晴儿会答 '钟晴'



哈哈!!! 我们的小小公主!!

我 = 鍾媽媽 發表在 痞客邦 留言(16) 人氣()

星期日, 15、4、2007, 小雨




晴儿 : '。。。。。。。。。'





晴儿 : 'MMM。。。。。。。NO!'


回到家,第一件事就是教晴儿在人家问她什么名时一定要答 '钟晴'!!!

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我 = 鍾媽媽 發表在 痞客邦 留言(9) 人氣()

星期四, 12、4、2007, 晴




为了要她乖乖让我们绑头发,我就对她说 如果不绑头发就要剪短了。哇!!这话对小小公主来说可真有效啦, 晴儿当然不肯剪啦,跟着就乖乖任我们搞了!


在晴儿让我为她绑头发的同时,他对我说 ‘mommy, don’t cut Qing Qing hair oh, cut only a bit lah, here only (指着前面的浏海), ok?’


哈哈, 我们的小小公主啊!!!!









































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星期三, 10、4、2007, 晴

晴儿睡觉除了要有手帕外,还有一个怪怪的习惯就是要我们拍打她的小屁股  而且每次只可以一个人拍哦,还是有指定的人啊,例如今晚要妈咪拍的话就只是妈咪可以拍,婆婆的话就婆婆而已,别人不能拍的哦!

她的指示就是 '妈咪、爹地、婆婆打'西伏' (客家音〕' 指到谁就是睡的工作了。

打屁股的工作可不是简单哦,不可以太快,不可以太慢,不可以太大力  总之就是我们的小小公主啦!!!!

我 = 鍾媽媽 發表在 痞客邦 留言(13) 人氣()

星期二, 10、4、2007, 晴

很多时晴儿都会对我说 '妈咪,晴晴 is a princess 哦',那我就会答她 '是呀,晴晴是妈咪和爹地的 princess 啊'

而我们这个小小公主可是有点。。。。。。 自恋吧。。。。。

因为有一晚,她拿着一个HELLO KITTY的小镜子,对着镜子说 'Qing Qing is so pretty', 哦! 我和她小姑姑听了,两人对望了一眼后,小姑姑问晴儿刚才说什么啊,晴儿就把刚才的话完完整整又说了一遍。。。。 我们听了就忍不着哈哈大笑了。


哈哈!!! 我们的小小公主!!!!

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