
星期日, 13/10/2013, 晴

有天晚上睡不了, 打開電視看,剛巧是在播Master Chef Australia S4的Master Class, 這集在播Garry教做Scottish Butter Cupcakes, 看了後感覺超好吃的,嘗試把食譜記下來。

但是記得不多, 可能是因爲太夜的關係吧, 所以在第二天就上網找食譜, 原來Masterchef Australia的官方網站收錄了所有Master Class的食譜,太讚了!!

第二天就去找材料, 當晚就做了, 唯一不完滿的就是我找不到同樣size的cookie cutter ring, 最後用了muffin tray來烘焙。

想不到這個Scottish Butter Cupcake第一次嘗試就成功了, 鍾晴很喜歡,我自己也很愛。

這就是製成品了, 賣相還好, 味道就超棒了,哈哈哈哈!!!!


他的原本食譜是有配冰淇淋的, 我當然沒有專業到連冰淇淋也做了, 就只做了杯子蛋糕而已。

來看看這美味Scottish Butter Cupcake的食譜吧。。。。。


Egg (雞蛋)    3 粒

Caster Sugar (幼糖)   160g

Unsalted Butter (無鹽奶油 軟化) softened   160g

Plain Flour (麵粉)   225g

Baking Powder   1 tablespoon

Egg (雞蛋), lightly beaten with a pinch of salt


1) Preheat oven to 180c.

2) Lightly grease on whatever tray or cookie cutter that you are using.

3) Beat yolks and sugar in a bowl until pale and fluffy; add butter and continue to beat until fully incorporated.

4) sift flur and baking powder together into a bowl, then add it to the butter mixture, mix on low speed until combined,

    increase speed and mix for a further 5 - 10 seconds. Place mixture on a sheet of baking paper and shape into a log.

    Rest in refrigerator for 10 - 15 minutes. Cot off 2 - 3cm rounds, roll lightly in extra flour and shape into a smooth cylinder,

    drop into the prepared molds, cover and refrigerate for 15-20 minutes.

5) Brush tops of cakes well with beaten egg and bake for 10 - 15 minutes or until golden and cooked through.

就是這麽簡單的食譜了, 謝謝Masterchef Australia哦!! 


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    我 = 鍾媽媽

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