2nd April 2006
Today is a Sunday, normally is a busy for u. because we will be taking care of QingQing by our own, bring her "guyguy" and play with her.
But today only two of us (daddy and mummy), because QingQing went to K.L. with Grandma (my mother) on last Tuesday for two weeks. HaHa, right TWO WEEKS!!
I will going over on this coming Thursday for training and at the same time to bring her back. Really missed her when she is not around, but when she's around sometime really felt tired and lazy especially when she is so energetic.
Will at least I really made good use of this few free day, went for all my body treatment, facial, mani and pedicure and off course my spa!!!!!!
Although is really relax when QingQing is not around, but I still looking forward to meet her in KL, I think I going to bring her to Ikea, my favorite shopping place.