星期日, 8、4、2007, 晴






























今天晴爸说要逛加拉文星广场时,晴爸就买了上面煮器给晴儿。  也就是说离我的孩童梦想玩具又迈进了一步了。我的下个目标是菜材料和早餐组了。最后就是那个煮炉啦! 祝我的孩童梦想早日达成喔!!

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Took some photo for Qing Qing today, because I am the one who make her hair today, heeheee :) (normally is my maid that make her hair, she is very good on making nice hair style).

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Today is Daddy's Birthday, I bought him, his favour Secret Recipe Chocolata Banana Cake for celebration. Qing said "Happy Birthday' to Daddy, sang him a full birthday dong (but I forgot to take video) :)

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星期三, 4、4、2007, 晴

作SALES的心情真的像过山车一样, 有SALES的时候就像到了过山车的顶部般,高兴的很,,当没SALES时,还是当SALES PROCESS受到阻挡的时候,就跟过山车从顶部往下冲一样,心情开心指数至到谷底,还有点DEPRESS的感觉呐!!

我这两天的心情就是这样了,大起大落,搞的我真的很想'找工跳槽'了。  我在CLOSE到SALES时,会觉得自己好像还算是作SALES的料子啦,一但有什么阻挡的时候,就会怀疑自己的能力。好友说是我没能MANAGE STRESS,才会有这样的大起大落的心情出现,叫我要好好MANAGE 自己的STRESS哦,不然就会很糟糕哇!



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Wednesday, 4/4/2007, Sunny

Thank you very much to Kristy, because of her blog (


) then I knew about fluoride.

I am really a failed mom, when I bought Qing's toothpaste, never border to read the instruction at the back of it, never study what is fluoride until I read Kristy's blog.

After I finish reading her blog, I run into my room, get into the bathroom, check on Qing's exciting Oral-B toothpaste........ OMG!!!!!!!   Is a fluoride toothpaste, got to use under adult's guidance, not to be swallow....... ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! Qing Qing has been using it for the past 1 year....... and this mother take it for granted that all kid's toothpastes are safe for kids.

After read the instruction at the back of the toothpaste, I throw it into the rubbish bin, then rush out to buy a non-fluoride toothpaste for Qing.  I cannot recall which supermarket Kristy mentioned in her blog she got the non-fluoride toothpaste, called her at her handphone, but no reply.  So I got a non-fluoride toothpaste at RM25-70 which is made in USA from Guardian.

This morning when I reach office, the first thing I did is to call kristy at her office, we chatted for about 1/2 hour, so many to talk about, our girls, our family,our hubby and many many...... it was a great talk. She told me that she got the non-fluoride toothpaste from Giant Supermarket, Kolombong.

What a coincident, I went for a sale call at Inanam this afternoon, and I ended the sale call at around 5:30pm, yahoo!!!!! no need to go back to the office oh.   Went to Giant Supermarket after the sale call, got the non-fluoride toothpaste which is made in Malaysia, it cost only RM3-29, it even come with a toothbrush, I bought two sets, one for my house and one for mommy house.

I am now a little bit better mother for Qing Qing  and will continue to be a better mother for Qing Qing......... SALUTE TO YOU, KRISTY, THANK YOU AGAIN.

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星期日, 1、4、2007, 晴


在PALM SQUARE时,让晴儿坐了5分钟的BEAR BEAR RIDE,跟着到HUSH PUPPY又买了对黑高跟鞋作上班用的。嘻嘻, 鞋痴又上身了。

接着在到底层看看和到BURGER KING买COKE喝, 在经过一家VCD店时,晴儿看的一张 “达冬强”的海报(是全国舞狮比赛的海报〕后就不肯离开,晴爸唯有进店里问还有的卖吗,好在还有货剩,就买了给晴儿。









看完舞狮后,晴爸说要带晴儿去TANJUNG ARU走走,我把这个景拍下来了。

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星期日, 31、3、2007, 晴

爸爸是在1995年5月10日凌晨去世的(表姐敏的生日〕,今年已是第十二个年头了。爸爸走了后, 大哥结婚了在外面住,二哥在同年的九月到英国念书后就留在外发展, 所以大屋就剩我和妈咪俩了。

在这十二年里, 大事就没什么啦,除了我和晴爸结婚,晴儿的到来是比较大单以外,就好像都很风平浪静似的。顶多也是我在工作上的变动了,在这几年里换了四份工作,至到2000年加入了现在这份工作才安定了下来。


1995年12月 :妈咪,我和晴爸在香港过元旦。

1996年7月 : 二哥大学毕业,我们到了英国。妈咪还和二哥遊了十个欧洲国家,我因为工作,没那么多假期只到了法国,荷兰和比利士。

1997年10月 : 妈咪,我再加晴爸搭了24小时的飞机到了美国,洛杉机。

1998年6月 : 妈咪,我和姨妈去了澳洲,比里斯本。

1999年3月 : 香港遊。同年的10月, 妈咪和朋友去了纽西兰两个星期。

2000年5月 :到目前为此,最远的旅行。妈咪和我去了美国的洛杉机,拉斯维加斯和加拿大的温哥华。同时我们搭了邮轮到了阿拉斯加,是我毕生难望的历程。

2001年3月 :和晴爸到香港度了个四天三夜的蜜月。5月和妈咪在KL玩了两个星期。同年的9月, 我们踏足在中国的万里张城。12月时,再和晴爸加上他的妹妹们去了新加玻。

2002年5月 : 和晴爸的一家人去了香港。8月和妈咪游澳洲的墨而本和悉尼。

2003年3月 : 和同事VIVIAN一同到香港血拼五天四夜。9月,在KL和晴爸和妈咪参加完我的大学毕业典礼后,和妈咪再游澳洲,这趟是到了柏斯八天游。我好爱柏斯哦,那儿的生活真的很写意吖!

2004年2-5月 :不知是不是潜意识知道我将要怀孕,在这三个月了和妈咪,晴爸先后去了上海两趟和香港三趟。从香港回来后就证实有了晴儿了。

2005年3月 : 和晴爸到香港为晴儿血拼。。。。 嘻嘻!10月,带同9个月大的晴儿和妈咪,晴爸到香港和其亲戚们见面。11月时,不知是不是产后忧郁,心情好差,就和妈咪安排了晴儿后,自己去了香港五天,原来一个人的旅行真的很自在的呢。

2006年4月 : 和晴爸一家人到香港游DISNEYLAND。10月时当然就是我和晴儿加妈咪的日本大计划啦。这年我也因工到了KL五次和JB一次。12月再和晴爸一家人去了趟香港。

今年1月 : 和妈咪,晴儿到香港出席表弟的婚礼。正在计划11月和妈咪,晴儿再战日本,望计划成功!


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Thursday, 29/30/2007, Sunny

My second part of A - Z dictionary, enjoy...........

N = NOKIA - My favorite hand-phone brand. I also tried other hand-phone brand, but I still find Nokia is the best user friendly and best second hand value compared with other brand.


O = OVERSEAS - I always wanted to experience overseas 生活, like study or working overseas.  Unfortunately, I never had a chance to do that, I always admired my friends that able to study overseas, some even have the opportunity to stay and work overseas.  Hope I will be given a chance to fulfill this dream.


P = PAPA (Father) - My Papa passed away 12 years ago, when I was 21 years old.  I missed him a lots, I regret that I never have a chance to be closer to him when he still around.  I remember once time (after my Papa passed away) I was shopping at Wisma Merdeka, suddenly I though I saw my Papa going up the escalator, with my basic instinct I go direct to him............... but some how I stopped halfway, when I realized that my Papa actually has passed away 2 months ago…………. and my tears drop. Anyway, I glad that at least he met my husband before he passed away, and he told me that he like him a lots and accepted our relationship at that time.


Q = QING QING - My favorite person in the whole wide world.  I am blessed with this little one as doctor did tell me that I am difficult to get pregnant.  Qing Qing is a gift from GOD, with her arrival to the family, our life has really changed a lots, Qing’s Popo life is now full of happiest and laughter because of her. 


R = RETIREMENT - I am planning to retire by the age of 40, latest by 45.  By the time, I will be sending Qing Qing to school, then 'yum chia' with my mom and friends, pick up Qing Qing from school, revision with her, do some cooking for the family, go for SPA, facial, shopping (hopefully by the time we will have more shopping places) and enjoying our life.


S = SPA - I always tell myself, apart from giving my girl the best thing, I must also treat myself the best thing, and SPA is one of my best thing that I gave to myself.  Too bad we don’t have many good SPA in KK, except for the Borneo Spa in Nexus and the one in Sutera Harbour Resort (but both of them are very expensive oh).  I tried SPA in Hong Kong, KL, JB and KK, the best is still the one in Hong Kong (is also the most expensive oh).


T = TRAVELLING - Because I never had a chance to stay aboard therefore I want to travel to as many places as I can in my life.  I love traveling so much as I can relax myself and see so many new things in others country.  I will not stop traveling unless I am not allowed to travel anymore.


U = UNIVERSITY - Like what I said on my O dictionary that I never had a chance to study aboard.  Therefore, I want to make sure I keep enough educational funds for Qing Qing further study aboard.  I want my girl to experience what her mother never experience before.


V = VITAGEN - Qing Qing favorite drink.  (Because I can’t think of anything under ‘V’ for myself, so I put Vitagen down).


W = WINTER - Winter is my favorite season in the four season.  Malaysia don’t have four season, so every time I plan my holiday I will choose to travel on winter season.  I like winter because of the cooling feel and the lovely white snow.  The best thing is don’t need to bring so many clothing as we don’t need to change clothing that often.


X = XO - During my maternity month, I can’t take the Chinese wine because it is too sour for me, and my cousin told my mom that I must take wine during this month, so my mom took out my Papa’s 25 years old XO, let me have it together with the chicken soup that she cooked for me.  Thank you for Papa’s that 2 bottle of 1L 25 years old XO, I recovered very fast from my maternity.



Y = YOKO YOKO - Yoko Yoko was introduced to me by my ex-colleague when we were having our job attachment at Sandakan for 3 months.  He said it is very good for back and neck ache, I tried once and got addicted to it now, always keep one bottle at home for emergency.


Z = zzzZZzZzZZzZzz - Apart from Jigsaw Puzzle, zzzzzZZZZzzzZzzZz (sleeping) is my next favorite hobby.  Before I have Qing Qing, I can really sleep during weekend and holiday oh.  But no more ‘this little song to sing’ loh, my sleeping time is all depend on her now.  However, I still enjoy my afternoon nap with Qing Qing on every weekend and holiday ah!!!!

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Wednesday, 28/3/2007, Sunny

After reading Vivian's A-Z Dictionary, made me want to have mine A-Z dictionary too, here is the first part of my dictionary (A-M).

A = ALONE  - There is sometime that I wanted to be alone, having some private time to myself, that the reason why I like traveling alone once in a year (if possible). 


B = BOOKS  I love books a lots, not only reading them but also keeping them as one of my collection. I like Hong Kong writer’s novel and Japanese comic especially. I kept a collection of my favorite Japanese comic at my mom’s place and the Hong Kong writers’ novel at my own place.  My latest collection is traveling guide books, such as Japan, details in Tokyo, Kansai, etc, and now I am looking for guide for Finland, cannot believe that I managed to get one from Popular, CPS, KK.


C = COCA COLA  - My favorite drink in the world, I can drink Coke as my daily liquid supply, that why ‘kena marah’ by everyone that know me well. Heeheehee!!!! My uncle even emailed me the defect of Coca Cola, like it can clean old rusty nut, dirty toilet ball……. But it still will not stop me from drinking it, only reduce the daily consumption loh.


D = DISNEY - My all time favorite theme park in the world and my next target is to visit the Disney World in Orlando. 


E = EAT EAT EAT  - I always think that eating is the one of the most important thing that we enjoy in our life.  I like to try new foods, new restaurants in town, but sometimes before we try the new restaurant it already got closed down, too bad.  Every time I go holiday, sure I will check out their local foods, because people by trying their local foods is the best way to know their culture.


F = FRIENDS  - Friends, is my favorite sitcom for the past ten years, I even kept the whole VCD collection.  I love to watch those funny things that happens around six of them, but the best part is the close relationship of them, I always wish to have such close friend in my life.


G = GARFIELD  - My favorite canton character, I love how bad is he, how he enjoy foods and sleep, and how he bully his friend, Odie.  But only thing that I don’t understand is why he hates Monday so much? He is not working, not schooling, why Monday will border him?



H = HONG KONG - My all time favorite Holiday place, I enjoy everything in Hong Kong, the foods, the shopping, the convenient public transport system, the hotels, etc.  That why I will always find a reason (if cannot find one, then will make up one) to visit Hong Kong once in a year.


I = IKEA - Always like to shop at Ikea, too bad KK don’t have one.  Like to get ideas from their catalog, like to look for those small little items to decorate my small private space (my room).


J = JIGSAW PUZZLE - Jigsaw puzzle is the only hobby that I maintained till now since 1986.  My first jigsaw puzzle is a 500 pieces Japanese Palace picture, and it was a present from my dad.  The largest one I ever had is a 4000 pieces mountain scenery picture, which was a challenge from Paul (Qing’s dad) and the fastest time I completed a 1000 pieces puzzle is within 45 minutes.


K = KIT KAT - The best snack in the world.  I love Kit Kat because of the combination of waffle and chocolate, and also the design, simple and easy to enjoy it.  I found that every country have their special Kit Kat edition, I ever had a Mint edition from Australia, Kansai edition from Kyoto and 栗子 edition from Japan.


L = LOUIS VUITTON - My first branded bag is Louis Vuitton and I being a big fan since then……… but I stop buying expensive LV lately, and turn my aim to Gucci and LeSportsac.  Anyway, LV stills my favorite bag collection brand.


M = MONEY - Simple reason to have this in my dictionary……… a thing which is not impossible and without it is impossible, $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.

我 = 鍾媽媽 發表在 痞客邦 留言(18) 人氣()

星期三, 28、3、2007,晴


其实我知道她是没心的啦, 但是这话从她口中说出来, 听了真的很受伤。

本来还可以的,我叫她跟我说'SORRY', 那知她竞说不要, 不要和我说'SORRY', 把我气的妈妈叫的。

为了让她知道我不高兴她这样讲我, 我整天没打内线给她, 让她好好反省一下。

讲了大半天, 到底她对我说了什么啦?

她竟然说我。。。。。 '托老板大脚' 看到了吗? 她竟然讲我 托老板大脚托老板大脚 !!!!!!!!!!!!

这真的是我的死穴, 讲我什么都可以, 就是不能讲我托老板大脚!!!!!!!!!!!

不知是她没吃药, 还是没睡醒, 竞会说出这种话?如果我真的会托老板大脚就不会没拿到特别花红啦, 如果我真的会托老板大脚就不会两天不到三天给老板叫进房'照肺'啦!

真不解为什么她会这样说活? 啊!就看她明天的表现吧!!!

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