Sunday, 03/12/2006, Sunny

I left for Johore Baru on last Wednesday by my first Air Asia Trip.  I was there for 4 days 3 nights training for Insurance organised by my Bank.

It was a fruitful trip oh....... but not the materials from the training oh (but still useful to my work lah) is the things that I did during my free times after the training session.

Due the limited flight schedule, I reached JB at 1230, arrived hotel at around 1330.  After check in...... run for lunch (cause no meal provided on flight mah) at the nearest mall next to hotel, City Square's Kim Carry Hong Kong Style Restaurant.  

 I ordered this Korean Style Stone Rice (石頭飯). Don't know why they called it stone rice, maybe because of the bowl is made by stone wah? It tasted ok lah, but a bit too hot for me loh, because I don't like to food that too hot.  Actually apart from the KimChi, that nothing looks like Korean food loh!

 I drunk lemon Cola, nothing special but I like the mug that they used to serve the drink.

After the wonderful lunch, my two colleagues left for shopping and I went for a Thai Aromatherapy massage in the same mall, cause I was having a serious back ache for two days.  I can't even stand straight as is too painful for me after I seated for more than half and hours.  It cost me RM123.90 for an one and half hours treatment.  The Thai lady that served me was good, at least I can stand straight after I sit down.

After the massage, I called up one of my colleague who was doing her menicure at that time.  So you know what happen, I joint her and I did my menicure too (wanted to do pedicure too, but I was wearing shoe at that time) loh!!!!!!  

After menicure, I saw a skin care centre on the upper floor and have the sign of "Dermalogica" on it.... wah! I was so excited..... I rush up there and wanted to make an appointment on Saturday afternoon (my return flight is on 1820) but unfortunately it was fully booked.  So I left my hand phone number to them, as they said will call me if any cancellation oh!

I managed to bought some books from Popular too..... as KK's Popular don't have much choice on travelling books.  After books shopping, we rush back to hotel for shower as our colleague from JB is bringing us out for dinner.  We have simple "潮州" bubur for dinner and we went for beer at the Zon, the tax free area of JB.

TO BE CONTINUE.............

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星期二, 21/11/2006, 晴

哎呀! 和DADDY的最后空間也被晴兒攻破了!

一直以來晴兒在家睡時, 都是睡在她自己的單人床的.  也就是說, 我和DADDY的KING SIZE BED 和她的單人床是合在一排的.

自從晴兒不要在婆婆家過夜后, 和在我從KL TRAINING 回來后...........

晴兒就不要再睡在她的床位了, 而是要睡在我們的大床, 在我們的中間哦!

這几晚, 每當要睡的時候, 我和DADDY都會問晴兒要睡那里.....

MOMMY/DADDY : "Bee, 今媽夜妳愛睡那航呀? 睡乃位?"



BEE : "AH AH (連點頭動作哦)"

接著下來的動作就是, 爬過我 (我正睡在我的位) 到她的床, 拿起她的小PILLOW, 回到我們的大床, 再把她的小PILLOW好好的放在我們倆的PILLOW中間.

我問晴兒為什么不拿大PILLOW啊?  晴兒答我說 : "TOO BIG OH, MOMMY".

哎呀!!!!! 我家小女真的天天在長大了!!!!!! 連DADDY和MOMMY最后空間也攻破了!   現在是她和DADDY睡大床, 而MOMMY我就被發放到她的小床了.  

(本來我們是一家三口睡大床的, 因為被晴兒踹了兩腳在我頭上, 我就只好到小床了).


我 = 鍾媽媽 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()

星期一, 20/11/2006, 晴

下面的這套相片是晴晴這么多相片里面, 我最愛的! 因為無獨有偶, 她和父親拍了張POST非常相同的相片!

我還記得在KL的表姊回來時, 看到這張時還以為兩張都是晴兒勒!!!!















我把Jen Jen的相片加上了,不是很像,可能是因为迟了一年才拍吧,但是还是有鍾家的样子吧。


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Hahaha!!! Can you all see what I did to Qing Qing!!! I cut her hair lah!!!! Cute oh!!!!! :D

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20/11/2006, Monday, Sunny

Today actually to be a wonderful day, cause last Friday received boss's email saying he will be on leave from today till next Monday! Yahoo!! No boss mean holiday mah!!!

So this morning went for Laksa breakfast with daddy, then slowly take my time to the office.  At first every times looked so good........

But at 0910, Caruna (my colleague) said boss want to see both of us!  Boss on leave mah, how to see us oh?   He just came in lah!!!!!

 What again????? On leave also come back to the office!!!!!!!!

Hahaha!!!! Like what I aspect, talking about sales figure again loh!!!  That the only thing that boss will see me for, cause apart from this what else to talk about oh!!!!

But this time is more serious, as there is an email from HQ, having my name on it loh, saying if I still don't sell some of the Unit Trust leh...... then.......  too bad loh!!!!

Aiya!!!! Every month there are new funds coming out, everymonth have target to meet, I really am so tired of this monthly target loh, actually I really didn't sell any of the unit trust this month..........  hahaha!!!! Malas bah!!!!

So friend....... anyone interested in investing, remember to call me ah.......

(Just Joking lah, afterward, friend all got loh)!!!!

That what happening in banking now, everyday sell sell sell......... later don't know become supermarket or bank loh!!!!




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星期三, 16/11/2006, 雨

哎呀! 晴兒便秘了!

一直以來晴兒的通便都不是很暢順.  婆婆為了讓她有便便, 想盡所有方法了.

例如, 多吃水果啦 (但是晴兒實在太選吃了, 所以真的很頭痛苦耶), 喝 vitagen, yogurt 啦, 還有吃藥啦 (這是婆婆家樓上阿姨介紹的, 因為擔心會變 habituar, 就不敢給她天天吃哦!)  可是晴兒還是兩, 三天才便便一次.  上一次便便, 還動用了 "通便露"啊!

昨晚帶晴兒去看 Dr. Terry Huang, 是看她的咳嗽的. 同時也問她關於便秘的問題.  包括奶粉要不要換啦? 長期吃藥可以嗎? 用"通便露"可以用嗎? 等等!

1) 奶粉可以不換, 但是要 monitor 她的 fiber 吸取量, 也就是要注意她的飲食啦.

2) 我正在給晴兒吃的那個藥 (DUPHALAC, 可在藥行買到) 可以長期吃, 是不會變 habituar 的.

3) "通便露"就不鼓勵用了, 因為會變 habituar 的.

唉! 為人父母真的很難的耶!  連孩子的便便也是很擔心的勒........

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星期三, 16/11/2006, 雨

在決定去日本時, 就和媽咪說 : "日本很貴哦! 只可以去一次啊! 所以看到妳要的東西就要買啊!" 講得鐵一般的堅定!

事實通常都是和想像不一樣的.........到過日本后, 原來日本並不是想像中那么貴的.  

也就是說, 如果在臨行前好好的算算, 做好RESEARCH, 其實到日本的費用和到香港差不多的呢!

沒到過日本前, 香港一直都是我的至愛, 看過我的BLOG的朋友也知道我有"一年要去一次香港"的MISSION.

但是我現在可能要更改MISSION了, 我現在超愛東京和京都啊! 但是一年里又到香港, 再去日本的話........ 好像太奓侈了吧!

搞的我現在很煩惱啦! 該捨香港, 取東京? 還是保留香港, 忘了東京? 還是享盡齊人之福, 兩個都要呢?


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Thursday, 16/77/2006, Rainy


Wishing everybody a wonderful weekend in a wonderful WORLD!!!!



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星期六, 11/11/2006, 雨

今天剛從KL, TRAINING 回來, 好累唷!  因為在那三天兩夜的AWANA GENTING里, 被那個變態TRAINER虐待的剩下半條人命.....

但是在詳談TRAINING之前, 我要和大家講另一件事先, 就是 "妳是崇正的是?"

星期二那天, 我搭四點飛機去KL, 下機后, 就和表姊到STAR HILL吃BUFFET......

吃BUFFET當然要到處跑跑, 看看有什么好吃的啦! 當我正在很專心在看有什么好食物時.................................  一轉身, 突然有個男人站在我的面前, 指我說 : "妳是崇正的是?".

啊? WHAT IS THIS? "妳是崇正的是?" 還是一直在說 : "妳是崇正的是?". 我被他的舉動嚇的一使不知要如何反應他, 結果我就........  扮不懂他在說什么啦!

其實, 不是我不要認是崇正的, 而是那人太那個了..... !  如果他問我 : "HELLO, 不好意思, 妳好面熟, 妳是崇正的嗎?" 我一定會說:"是!"

這也就是說, KL也是很小的哦!

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星期一, 06/11/2006, 雨

上回說到晴兒應該是吃爆米花太多, 搞到發燒..........  几天來, 燒又退, 又來的.  鼻涕越來越多, 還開始咳嗽.......

昨晚還為了要不有帶她去看醫生, 還和DADDY吵了起來........

今早和老闆要了半天假, 帶了晴兒去看醫生.  然後再回媽咪家帶她睡覺.  下午媽打電給我, 說樓上的AUNTIE講, 晴兒可能是出痲啦.  叫我去南北行買"芫茜米"給她沖涼.

晚上去接她時, 兩個小眼睛腫了起來, 好可憐哦!  

再帶她去看醫生, 問他是不是出痲? 他說如果真的是出痲的話, 也會發燒兩, 三天的.

好忍心的MOMMY, 拍了三張晴兒的病樣........... 還好吧!!!!! 希望她能早點退燒啊!


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