Always wanted to try chocolate fountain, this is the first time I have it. Cool!!!!
Chocolate was ok, not that sweet!

We went a X'mas buffet dinner at Hyatt on 25/12/2006. They have chocolate fountain this year, and the snow house decoration were so nice. Take a look!

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These are the photos we took on April and December, let see how much has Qing Qing grown for the past 8 months?

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Little thing can always satisfied our little one's need!!!! :)

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Let Qing Qing try on this pink bear before we going to Hong Kong Disney Land, at least I know that she is not scare of this pink bear, then maybe she can enjoy her third trip to DisneyLand.
At last she is not scare of those character and managed to take photo with Minnie alone oh! :)

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星期日, 24/12/2006, 雨

晴兒越來越會說話了, 有時還會一言驚人啊!

個案一, 在香港時, 為了方便我們帶了晴兒的pram去, 當遇到樓梯時, 我們就得把晴兒連人帶車一起抬起來, 以上, 下樓梯.  當我們把她抬起時, 她對我們說 : "Be careful, be careful!", oh my god , since when she know how to use BE CAREFUL oh?  同一個用詞, 那天我爬在凳子上拿東西, 晴兒看見了對我說 ; "媽咪, be careful oh, fall down oh!".  聽了好, 好窩心啦!

個案二, 有晚晴兒不小心打洒水, 她竟然說了 : "oh my goodness!" 我們聽后, 個個耳目口呆, 一時不知怎樣回應 !

個案三, 那晚工人在餵晴兒吃雞, 她說了 : "Bosan lah!" (因為她大多吃雞的) 媽媽和工人聽了哈哈大笑. 雖然工人是講馬來話的, 但是她的用法並沒錯哦!

哎呀! 真的是"老水"啦! 現在起, 我們大人的言行, 舉子就得注意了!

以上個案是我現在所記得的, 以後還有的話會盡量記下和大家分享!



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  • 這篇文章限定好友觀看。

星期日, 17/12/2006, 晴


有個晚上躺在晴兒的旁邊, 靜靜的在看她那可愛而安靜的睡相, 眼淚突然掉下, 覺得女儿啊, 為什么妳會有個不稱職的媽咪呢?


總是覺得自己不是個稱職媽咪…… 只是沒耐性, 坏脾氣兩樣証据, 就已足夠讓我罪名成立了.


最沒耐性的一次應該是在今年年頭吧!  記得當時的我不知為了什么心情很糟, 當晚晴兒的爸不在家, 是我帶她睡覺的.  晴兒又扭計”, 不肯睡, 要我抱她在房里, “行來行去”, 抱了半個小時, 情形也沒改變, 一氣之下就把晴兒往床上丟!  過后我看到一文章說不能搖動嬰孩頭部, 因為在新加坡有一個嬰孩被仆人搖動頭部導致死亡, 原因是動到了腦部.  看了嚇我一跳, 把晴兒丟到床上, 就有搖動她的頭啊, 從那天起,  我就沒再把晴兒往床上丟.


還有一次是從媽媽家回的時候, 因為工人放假, 就把晴兒放坐在passenger sit, 再給她打seat belt.  為了讓她好好的坐著, 就給了她餅干吃.  那知才出門口, 晴兒就開始吵要’tut tut’和她的手帕(這兩件物品一定要一起的), 但是我只有’tut tut’在車上, 就和晴兒說先拿’tut tut’, 可是小小晴兒就是吵著要手帕, 還要從seat belt爬起來, 我一時心急(我駕著車), 就向晴兒大聲的喊了一聲………. 晴兒頓時嚇了一跳, 眼睛一瞪, 嘴巴一扁, “…… ……” 就哭了起來了 .  聽到晴兒的哭聲, 我才清醒過來, 赶緊安撫她, 再倒頭回媽媽家拿手帕, 才可平安回家!


只是這兩次就已完完全全把我的沒耐性, 坏脾氣show了出來……… 我現在已儘量在好好控制我的情緒了.  可能是我已開始面對問題了, 情形真的有點改善了, 每次在我要發脾氣時, 都會先停一下…….. 脾氣真的會消的哦!





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星期五, 15/12/2006, 陰

昨晚六點多從香港回到亞庇, 好累哦, 因為這次外婆沒有同行, 晴兒很粘我, 好在她的姑姑有去, 不然就要命了!

這次的行程好像很忙, 但是又好像沒有去到很多要去的地方. 最可惜的是到DISNEYLAND 的兩天都下雨, 搞的我們狼狽的很啦, 好在晴兒肯穿著雨衣, 不然更狼狽了!

泠天到香港沒什么好買, 吃就一流了. 所以這次SHOPPING就還好, 菜就吃了很多了!  這次到了蠟像館和DISNEYLAND, SHOPPING只在旺角和尖沙嘴, 鞋痴竟然沒買到鞋呢!

至以吃呢, 我們大都在茶餐廳吃, "便, 靚, 正"嘛! 最貴的兩餐是在尖沙嘴和DISNEYLAND里吃的.  因為是在DISNEY HOLLYWOOD HOTEL住, 沒CHOICE, 就在DISNEYLAND里吃了!

還有就是晴兒不怕DISNEY里的CHARACTER了, 記得到日本DISNEYLAND時, 她都不要和CHARACTER影相, 這次她竟然和MINNIE單獨拍照呢!

 本來想在DISNEYLAND好好玩一次的, 但是又下雨......... 好在還RIDE了一回HORSE RIDE!  晴兒還想DUMBO RIDE呢, 下雨就沒RIDE成了!

好! 再儲蓄, 再去吧! 

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星期三, 05/12/2006, 雨

是不是每個父母都要面對這樣的問題呢?  是不是每個作爺爺, 奶奶, 公公, 婆, 婆的都會對自己的孫兒們有求必應呢?

其實也不是什么大問題的, 但是也不算是小問題唷!  最近我encounter一個問題, 發現晴兒的奶奶好順從她哦, 基本上就是她要什么, 就給什么, 她想怎樣, 就怎樣.  雖然有時也會講晴兒一兩聲的...........   我明白晴兒奶奶也只是疼愛孫女啦, 還有可能她很少時間和晴兒一起吧, 所以她就會更遷就她了!

自己女兒有很多人疼愛當然是好事啦! 但是被過份疼愛就不好了!  我比較反對的就是買太多不必要的東西給她.......... 和給她吃太多的零食了!

有時我會單刀直入的說他們的, 但是總不能每次都講的嘛! 就只好在老公耳朵旁嘮叨一下下了, 和自己好好的教育女兒了!


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Sunday, 3/12/2006, Sunny

Today we end our training at around 6pm.  My roommate and I rush back to our room, changed and fly to City Square again on this night.

She want to continue with her shopping and I want a pedicure for myself.  So I went to buy a slipper and go for my pedicure while waiting for my roommate.

Me, this鞋痴buy shoe again loh! One for myself and one for Qing!  (Sure want to share with my little one loh)

 Lucky our bank's card got promotion with these shop for this quarter, so I received 10% discount for these two pair of shoes.  By the way, I received phone call from the skin centre confirming my facial appointment for Saturday afternoon oh!

Second day of the training ended at 4pm.  So I called the skin centre to check whether I can go for my facial by today (Friday).  I am so lucky that they taking me for the last appointment of the day.

Again, rush back to our room, changed and fly to the mall for my facial.  You know what happen....... because this is my first visit to centre, I received 50% on my facial but if I go on Saturday then I will not have this privilege loh!  I really want to fly when I heard this!!!!!!!

After facial, I went for makan...... then return to hotel and ZZZZZZZZZZ!!

Saturday!!!!!! Nothing much to do but to wait till 4pm to go to airport, my returning flight is 1820.

 While resting in the hotel room, I was looking at the City Square's floor map...... yee....... Spa????? Hah!!!!! Why not go for a spa since I still have another 4 hours free??? So, I called the spa and check for appointment and price.  I can go for a body scrub and massage at 1245 for RM108.  Look at the time now, 1205!!!!!  Again, changed and fly to the mall........ enjoy for a spa of one and half hours!!!!!

Take a light meal, back to hotel, repack my back-pack..... shower and time to go home!  Took a taxi from the hotel to airport for about 45 minutes.  After check in, I took Hainan Chicken Rice before entering the departure hall.

I was lucky again the flight was on time, and even landed at 20 minutes ahead the schedule time.

The schedules were so tight for my trip, but is really fruitful for me. I managed to completed 3 missions in 3 days 2 nights which might take me 3 months to do in KK (because I can't let mother to take care of Qing, and I go enjoy every week end mah, only once a month I can arrange for my own activity loh)

And now, I did my manicure and pedicure, my facial and massage + scrub!!!!  Then I can rest for another 3 months then start my routine again loh!

Oh! I even did some shopping too, as I was lucky to jumpa all store starting their X'mas sales already.......

So.... hope next year will still have training during this period oh!!!!



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