14 September 2006, Thursday (Rainy)

After an one month research from internet and books, our first draft itinerary for the Japan trip is finally completed.

We will be going for a total of 12 days, visiting Tokyo, Hakone, Nagoya, Kyoto and Osaka.  Will spend 6  days in Tokyo, 2 days at Hakone (Famous Hot Spring area next to Mt Fuji), 3 days at Nagoya, 1 day in Kyoto and last 3 days at Osaka.

Must visit will be DisneySea, Universal Studio Osaka, Asasuka, Ginza, Harajuka, Shibuya, Shinjuku.........

Am so excited at this moment, however.... a little bit of worry also, not sure whether I can really make this trip a really unforgettable and full of joy. Never been to a country which I can't speak their language and travelling by free and easy.

Hope all the research that I did will really help me......... .

To be continue........................




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18 months old's QingQing!!!

Just bought myself a new handphone on July, these are the photo that I took for QingQing by using the new handphone.

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剛剛幫媽做了她的旅行地圖﹐嘩﹗媽好利害喔﹗原來她已到過了26個國家﹐也就是世界的11% (比我多了12個國家丫)。

雖然近期的國家都是我和媽一起去的﹐ 但是她在1996年和二哥去了歐洲十九天游。當時我因要工作沒那麼多假期﹐所以我只是到了英歐邊界的三個國家。


媽咪好愛英國哦 (我也是﹐好想再到回去可是太貴了)﹐好彩媽在對換率還在五元時就去了兩趟英國(一趟是和爸 [爸當時在倫敦受訓三個月]﹐一趟是為了二哥的畢業典禮)。

媽咪一直都認為﹐只要她還可走動和有機會﹐她就會去玩。 近期她都是和香港的三姨去內地玩﹐因為從香港到內地玩比我們這兒去便宜的多了。

現在因為要幫我看顧晴晴而減少了旅行的時間了[不好意思﹐媽咪]。明年晴晴將會入學Playhouse 了﹐那媽就會有更多機會跑跑了﹗今年媽沒到那兒玩﹐所以我們才會有了這次的日本之旅咯﹗

p/s check with mom just now, noted that I have missed out 2 countries, this is an amended blog.

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四)香港的食物超好味啊﹗Shopping 也是一流哦﹗



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﹐ 星期一﹐ 0130

我剛才在網上download了南極星的software, 現在終於可以在我的網頁上用中文表達我的心情了﹗﹗




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I just got out from Chia Yen's Site, I found this from her blog, it was really interesting... (Map shown beside).

According to the map, I only covered 6% of the world for the past 10 years, but if looking into my $$$, seen that I have spent a lots on my travelling .

When I am on leave for my travelling, my colleague always say to me "so good ah you, go holiday and travelling again. We cannot afford loh, it so expensive to travel".

I hate it when I heard them saying this, I didn't ask for money from them when I go holiday, is their choice for not going holiday mah.  Is a different point of view and value of money between me and them loh, are the grapes really sour when you can't have it?

I willing to spend for holiday and travelling, because is the best way to release stress and increase my life experience.  I think all of you agree with me lah!

The 14 countries that I have been to for the past 10 years are China, Korea, UK, Belgium, Holland, French, Australia, Mexico (border only lah), Canada, US, Singapore, Brunei, Malaysia (hahaha, cheat a bit loh), Japan (going to).


To be continue............



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10 September 2006, Sunday

Always wanted to write my blog in chinese, cos I can express better by using chinese.  But my PC don't has the software for chinese writing.

Being asking Daddy to get it for me, he has bought me two softwares from KL, don't know is my luck or what, both softwares are just not compatible to my PC.  So till then I still got to write my Blog in English.

I am planning to write down my travelling experience for the past 10 years, will try to get my PC furnish with the chinese writing, at least I can write it with better expression.

Looking forward to share my past 10 years travelling trips with everyone soon.


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9 September 2006, Saturday (Half Sunny, Half Rainy)

Mom recevied two calls from Hong Kong today, it was from Ming and Aunt Cecilia.  Ming called to let us know that his mom, who is my aunt passed away on the last Tuesday .  Aunt Cecilia called to invite mom to her 30th Years Wedding Anniversary Dinner on this 18th .  WoW!! What a great conflict, like what Chinese said, "Black and White came together". 

At first mom said as we are going to Japan next month, she might not want make this trip.  But Aunt Cecilia said she got to be fair to her, because mom went to Aunt Josephine's Anniversary Dinner. Hahaha, so mom got no choice, but to fly to Hong Kong for 5 days loh.

Don't know can say it lucky or not, the Anniversary Dinner and the Funeral fall on 18th's night and 19th morning, aiiiiiiiii..... what a co-incident.

Whatever is it, that mean I have to take care QingQing along for 5 days loh.......

Oh, let me check on the net see got what new things can get from HongKong, at least there are some present from HongKong by mom lah!!!



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8 September 2006, Friday (Sunny cum Rainy day)

Yahoo!! Yahoo!! Yahoo!! Our Japan Visitor Visa are finally approved and issued to out passport.

That meant my 2006 Japan Trip is confirmed!!!! Yeah yeahyeah, YeahYeah!!! I'm going to Japan!!!!

Now is the time to plan our schedule for the whole trip, will keep a diary for the whole trip, and promise will let everyone share our joy and happiness for this trip.


To be continue.......................



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01/09/2006 (Friday, Rainy day)

Finally we have decided the destination for our 2006 Family Trip, is JAPAN.  A country I'm been wanted to go since 1999, at last..... after 7 years, my dream come true.  I am going to Tokyo, oh not only that, am also going to Nagoya, Kyoto and Osaka.  I am so excited.   

At first we were planning to go Hong Kong on December, cos wanted to let QingQing see their X'mas light decoration, but after a detail calculation the cost incur is about 2/3  for the cost of Japan Trip.  So Japan is deal. YAHOO!!!!!

Was so busy surfing on net for the hotel reservation.  Because we need the hotel confirmation slip to apply for the Japan Visitor's Visa.  As we are going to 4 places, Searching of the hotel was really headache.  All hotel reservation has confirm yesterday.  And now is time to prepare for the visa application.

Hope the application will be approve by the Japan Consulate loh.

TO BE CONTINUE..................



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