目前分類:懷孕日記 (7)

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这是我在三天前写的,因为手提电脑没电所以没POST上, 到今天才POST




星期二, 年二十九, 05022008




上个星期六到诊所复诊时,医生告诉我说宝宝已在位置了,随时候命来迎接新生命的到来,搞得晴爸紧张的不得了,一见我摸着肚子就问我是不是时候, 哈哈!


老实说这次真的有点紧张,因为我生晴儿的时候是OVERDUE十天的,当天是作好心理准备进院的,所以好像还可以似的。。。。。而现在医生说随时候命, 哇哇, 已不记得作动是怎样的感觉,说到随时会来,真的好夸张啦!!!!






星期五, 年初二, 08022008


昨天傍晚时候, 感觉到宝宝好像整天没什么动似得,有点担心,就动手摇肚子好把宝宝摇醒,结果摇了差不多半小时,宝宝就是没动静,正打算吃饱饭要不要进医院时,宝宝就在我的肚皮里开始游泳了,让我的心也定了下来了。


还有六天就14号了,好像开始我的MATERNITY LEAVE,又担心前面拿的太早,到后面的时候不够用,真的没心情上班了,虽然老板娘已没逼我交SALES FIGURE了,可是每天顶着随时会的大肚子上班。。。。 唉!!!!!


宝宝啊。。。。 你几时要来可以告诉妈妈吗?????

我 = 鍾媽媽 發表在 痞客邦 留言(26) 人氣()

Friday, 21/09/2007, Sunny

5 months 2 days pregnant.


Went for check up this morning, though I can know baby's sex by then, by unfortunately maybe because of too many fat in my tummy, doctor said still unable to see the sex yet.

I have been thinking of name for our new baby, most of the name that I think of is for baby girl, because is easier to think of............ Although I though of a few boy's name, by Qing Ba said they are not bright enough like Qing's name.  Sooooo...... I will only think of the name until I confirm the baby's sex

Hmmmm....... maybe you all can give us some suggestion on the baby's name oh

Anyway...... according to the doctor, the baby is doing very well........

Got to go now, take care dear friend and keep in touch.

我 = 鍾媽媽 發表在 痞客邦 留言(10) 人氣()

Tuesday, 19/09/2007, Rainy

5 months pregnant.

It has been a long time after my last blog, missed everyone so much.

My morning sickness got over after my three months pregnant, what left with me is the funny taste in my mouth, this make me become very choosy with my foods  I can't have fried foods but lucky I still can eat KFC

Qing Qing is looking forward to her little baby to arrive, she has been saying Good Morning and Good Night to our baby everyday and night.

She said she want to bring baby to Disneyland, Hong Kong next year, and she will carry her during the trip because baby will scare of Mickey and Minnie Mouse, she make sure baby is in her good care, as she is the big sister of the little baby 

We are looking forward to the arrival of the new member whom everyone is asking me whether is a girl or a boy.........

Hmmmm...... don't know yet, going for my check up this weekend, is can know by then sure will let everybody know oh

Will try to update everyone's blog slowly as I am doing better now, take care everybody and miss you all much

我 = 鍾媽媽 發表在 痞客邦 留言(10) 人氣()

星期二, 17、07、2007, 雨

懷孕 - 第十一週





我 = 鍾媽媽 發表在 痞客邦 留言(11) 人氣()




星期三作了我的血糖 TEST,RESULT 應該在星期一就會有,希望 OK 啦!


比方說,因為怕晴兒半夜爬過我到中間睡時會動到我,就和晴兒換位睡。也就是我睡在她的單人床,她就和晴爸睡我們的大床。但是晴兒就是不肯睡大床,而是要和我擠在一起還要蓋同一張被。。。。  只好待她睡著了才叫晴爸把她移開 (因為我暫時不能抱晴兒)。

此外,晴兒就是很 '爛達', 動不動就在哭,要不到東西又在哭,總之就是哭啦!!!


我 = 鍾媽媽 發表在 痞客邦 留言(7) 人氣()

星期一, 09、07、2007, 晴




除了很累以外,嘔吐就真的搞到我了。。。。  懷晴兒時可沒嘔過!!


上個星期到我的公司醫生拿病徦時,她驗到我身上的糖分過高,明天要戒口再驗,如果染上了懷孕期糖尿的話,就需要 CONTROL FOOD 了。


本來是星期五才 CHECK UP 的,就改到今天看醫生以拿個心安。。。



而今天醫生也給我開了我的紅卡了,也就是診所為孕婦開的紀錄卡 (平時病症是用藍卡的)。。。

遲點待我拍下了我的肥肥樣在 POST 給大家看吧!!

我 = 鍾媽媽 發表在 痞客邦 留言(9) 人氣()

Sunday, 01/07/2007, Sunny

Went for my first check up yesterday, doctor said is a confirmed pregnancy and is in the right position. 

Anyway the heartbeat is still not clear, therefore I am returning for second check up 2 weeks later.

It is really a totally different feel compare to my first pregnancy.

I felt tire very easy, want to sleep and eat a lots [ I gain 2 kg in 2 weeks time ]

The weird taste inside my mouth never go away, and I finally experienced vomiting during my evening sickness!!!

My tummy is so big until my mum said : [Sam, are you having a twin this time ] One of my friend told me that normally we will get a bigger tummy on the second pregnancy because our skin got loosen during the first pregnancy.

I can't fit in my uniform already, got to look for maternity dress before my maternity uniform arrive.

I like all heavy taste food this time, like Sour Palm duck (requested my mum to cook for me); Burger King's Mushroom Swiss; Bitter chocolate, chocolate milk etc......

我 = 鍾媽媽 發表在 痞客邦 留言(20) 人氣()